Capacity Development Talk: Unlocking Climate Action Through Climate Policy Diagnostics


Location: Cedar Hall HQ1-1-660



Transformative climate policy reforms are key to unlock climate investments at the scale and speed necessary to achieve countries’ ambitious climate goals. FAD Climate Policy Diagnostic (CPD) CD has been deployed to assist countries in identifying climate fiscal policy solutions and inform the design of strong reform measures in programs under the Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST). Following the first mission in Kenya in May 2023, CPDs have been delivered to Cabo Verde, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Jordan, Mauritania, Moldova, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, and The Gambia. The CPD complements other tools such as the WB CCDR and FAD C-PIMA/Green-PFM, by placing an emphasis on short and medium-term policy priorities across climate adaptation, mitigation, and enabling institutions that would pave the way toward countries’ long-term climate resilience. The CD Talk will highlight experiences from a few selected CPD CD missions and how they have benefitted the authorities in the context of IMF program design and implementation.