Lives Under Lockdown

New Economy Forum:

The Great Lockdown and Jobs: Who is Shut Out?


Analytical Corner:

COVID-19 Lockdowns and Exits in Asia: Some Lessons


Analytical Corner:

Kurzarbeit: Germany’s Short-Term Work Program


Analytical Corner:

The Great Lockdown: Dissecting the Economy Effects


Governor Talks:

Uruguay: Addressing Medium-term Challenges, While Supporting Lives and Livelihood During Covid-19

Governor Talks:

Morocco: Moroccan Experience in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

Capacity Development Events:

Supporting Revenue Administrations to Operate Through the Covid-19 Pandemic


Capacity Development Events:

Adjusting the Macroeconomic Framework to Assess the Impact of Covid-19


Capacity Development Events:

A Peek Into IMF Training: The Fiscal Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Policy Responses in the Arab World