New Economy Forum: Tech Talks


Location: WebEx Meeting


This interactive session between economists, technologists, and you, and learn about key technologies involved in many of the topics covered during the Spring Meetings. Each 30-minute session will start with a very short presentation by IMF expert, followed by an open discussion with all attendees.

08:00 AM - Session 1: “Artificial Intelligence in the financial sector: Opportunities and challenges”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere and is now part of our daily lives: digital assistants, self-driving cars, and image/face/voice recognition don’t surprise us anymore.  The technology is rapidly impacting the financial sector too in many ways, bringing about new opportunities and risks. In this presentation, the speakers will demystify AI and Machine Learning, and will review the hottest debates such as embedded bias and interpretability. They will discuss how fintech firms have taken advantage of AI, and the opportunities and challenges that financial institutions are now facing.


El Bachir Boukherouaa

Division Chief ITD, IMF


Ghiath Shabsigh

Assistant Director MCM, IMF

Aquiles Farias

Section Chief ITD, IMF

08:30 AM - Session 2: “Managing Digital Risks: Experiences from the Field”

With great digital opportunities and transformations come great digital risks, many of them new. This is especially true for central banks, which are under pressure to rapidly adapt to fintech innovations, from AI products, to cloud computing, and Central Bank Digital Currencies. Building on IMF technical assistance, the speakers will share examples and best practices for central banks to ensure safe adoption of transformative technologies – including ways to understand the evolving threat landscape, and how to manage the digital risks in practice.


Sali Osman

Advisor & Chief Information Security Officer, IMF


Majid Malaika

Digital Expert ITD, IMF

Ashraf Khan

Senior Financial Sector Expert MCM, IMF

09:00 AM - Session 3: “ClimateTech vs. GreenTech”

What is ClimateTech? GreenTech? Didn’t we have this conversation 20 years ago? Maybe the conversation actually started 2000 BC when Egyptians designed buildings with passive air conditioning? Truth is, humankind has been doing climate engineering for quite some time now, but we’ve now reached the point where we’re achieving global-scale effects not only on the climate but on the environment in general. While ClimateTech wants to bring down our global temp to under 1.5C, GreenTech wants you to know we’ll still need to fix other things around the planet besides that. Digital technologies will have a lot to say about how we do this, which areas we can do this in, and how fast we can mitigate all these deleterious effects human activities has had on this world we call home.


Sali Osman

Advisor & Chief Information Security Officer, IMF


Jerry Chaves

IT Officer ITD, IMF

Ina Darsadze

Info Architect Lead ITD, IMF

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